Recent research has shown how important your gut health can be in helping to control your migraines.
The reasons for this are complicated but if the natural bacteria in your gut (your gut biome) are out of balance, especially in the small intestine, then you can develop ‘leaky gut’ where active peptides from the breakdown of the proteins that you eat can be absorbed into the gut wall and cause inflammation that can stimulate the rich plexus of nerves.
This can affect the autonomic nervous system, disturbing the balance between the excitatory sympathetic nervous system and the calming effects of the parasympathetic system through the vagus nerve. The change in balance affects the higher centres in the brain where the migraines are initiated.
Taking pro-biotics, which contain the natural ‘good’ bacteria, can restore the natural balance, reduce ‘leaky gut’ and the inflammation it causes, and reduce migraines by up to 50%. You can read the scientific research for more information
We welcome our new colleague Julie Stewart to The London Migraine Clinic.
Julie Stewart NTDip, MPharmT is a registered Naturopathic Nutritionist
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